Wednesday, November 26, 2008
LizBeth is feeling great. She had PT on Tuesday and did really well. Liz can push with her arms and legs now, so we have to work on pulling. She's not really interested in that yet. She does, however, like to bounce and "fly." She is so much more vocal now. We have a joke with our PT that Stacy works on physical therapy and I work on speech therapy. That is rather fitting, ya know.
Sarah is feeling well too. She went with us to the doctor this morning. Katelyn was nervous about shot #3, and was sitting close to me in the waiting room. Sarah was playing in the toy room. After a few moments of that, Katelyn said in her best mom voice, "Well, I'm going to have to go tell her not to be so loud!" I intervened and prevented a possible catastrophe.
One of my little students said "Thanks Happygiving," when we began to practice our program. So "Thanks Happygiving" to everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Stacy's parents are coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Each year at the school, someone donates turkeys to all the teachers for Thanksgiving. Isn't that great?! So, we are having turkey and pies. The desserts are the most important meal in this family! hehe
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Katleyn stayed home sick today. She and I watched old home movies. I cannot believe how much Katelyn and Sarah have grown! Why, they were no bigger than Liz at one time. hehe
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Katelyn had two teeth pulled and a filling today. Sarah had a filling and two wire spaces inserted between her back molars. Needless to say, I have three whiny girls here today, and I don't blame them.
We are continuing with the Love Dare. It's a lot of fun, when we remember!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Stacy and I have started the Love Dare. We went to see the movie Fireproof (Loved it!) and then purchased the journal that goes along with the one in the movie. Here's a picture of the happiest couple in the world on Day 1 of the Love Dare:
Day 4 -Call your spouse just to check on them during the day. Have no hidden motives or agenda. We were with each other all day long in the City, so we did this in person.
Day 5, Today - Tell your spouse three things, very lovingly, they do that make you uncomfortable or irritated. Needless to say, we haven't done this one yet. Better to wait until after the sermon!
The school prayed for the Veterans and Soldiers on Veterans' Day. Sarah prayed aloud from the 1st grade. I was told she prayed, "And God, thank you for my dad. He was in the Army. I am so glad he did not die. If my dad had died, I would be so sad. It would be terrible to not have a daddy." At home, she prayed very similar, but added, "God - if I didn't have a dad, I might not have had a Mom!"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Our visits in the City were pretty good. Genetics could see lots of improvement. We are scheduled to go back in about a year. The ENT thought she looked great. We have scheduled a Swallow Study for November 11th just to make sure little sister isn't silently aspirating. She's starting to eat more "solid foods" now. Neurology was a bit of a downer. She couldn't see a tremendous amount of improvement, but still doesn't know what could be causing it. LizBeth unwillingly gave a blood sample from her ring finger to check for enzymes in the blood. This test was run to see if more tests needed to be run before next year. We haven't heard anything back at this point. She was so tired. By the end of our visit, she refused to cooperate or smile. She slept until Woodward, then demanded to be fed. She hasn't used the tube in over a week! So far, so good. She sleeps a lot better at night now too. That means Stacy and I do as well!
Katelyn decided she was tired of Sarah today. Sarah decided that Katelyn was the meanest sister in the world. It was a real joy right after school today. Now they are outside playing together as if they are the best of friends. I missed out on this Jekyll and Hyde relationship with my sister. If I had fought with her, it would have been called child abuse. (There's almost 17 years between us.) My brother is 18 years younger than me, and he didn't actually like me until he turned five. Anyway, your family is unique to you. I love my family; the whole bunch!