Monday, August 25, 2008

We are home again! Elizabeth had a terrible time on the way home yesterday. Her heart rate was very high and her O2 was low. She wore O2 all the way home, and cried most of the way. We were pretty sure she was getting sick or something. When we got home, Stacy put her in her bed, and immediately she went back to normal. She had a good night last night with only a few desats. We had our church and family praying for LizBeth last night. God is so good! (Hopefully, she was only allergic to her car seat.)

This morning I let the girls sleep in and go to school this afternoon. That makes me the best Mom ever, according to Katelyn. Sarah wants to know why they have to go at all.

Stacy performed a wedding in Ada this weekend. His cousin Shane was married to Camille. It was a beautiful wedding complete with Marines in dress uniforms carrying swords. Katelyn was afraid of the "Army men"(ha ha) and their swords. I told her the swords were fake. They were for decoration only. However, I did not know what happened before the wedding. It seems that Stacy stabbed the best man with one of the fake swords. Turns out, the edges are dull, but the points are sharp. A trip to the ER was avoided that day, and thankfully, the best man was Stacy's cousin. It's always exciting wherever we go.

LizBeth laughed out loud this morning! I went in to look at her, and she laughed at me. It was so precious! Here are some pics of the Ross Girls as they were clowning around this morning.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

Those first laughs are the most precious sounds.

Love the pics of all 3 of your little ladies.