Thursday, August 28, 2008

We made a flying trip to the City yesterday, and returned home today. LizBeth got a great check-up at the ENT Clinic. We are supposed to go back in 3-6 months when we schedule our Neurology and Genetics appts. She did great on the trip too! After the stunt she pulled on the way home from Ada last weekend, she has to be good for at least one year.

Right now she is sort of napping in the floor and trying to keep tabs on her sisters at the same time. And, she laughed out loud again today. This time it was for Stacy.

Katelyn and Sarah are in their third week of school. So far the report has varied from "the worst day ever" to "boring" to "boys are just gross" and Katelyn's pat response of "fine." Teaching three year olds is just as challenging and exciting as I thought it would be. God bless the teachers!

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