Saturday, October 25, 2008

LizBeth is responding well to her antibiotic, and even better to her breathing treatments. She's still a little snotty, but was able to take a whole bottle last night without any issues. Poor girl, she's been so clogged up, she couldn't eat without gasping and choking. We are so relieved to have the g-tube still in place. I'm not happy she has an artificial tube in her tummy, but it has kept her from getting dehydrated through this. She likes the game "A-Boo." We leave the peek off. Someday, maybe we can figure out to video the Princess and post some of these activities on here for you all to see.

We are set to go to the City on Wednesday afternoon of next week. LizBeth's appointments (Neuro, ENT, Genetics) are all scheduled for Thursday. Please pray about these visits: 1. We would have travel mercy. 2. The ENT would recommend the best closing procedure for LizBeth's stoma. 3. I'm not sure how to say this one... Pray that the Neurologist and the Geneticist visits would not be discouraging. We know that LizBeth is not where she should be, but she has improved so much. I know that God has answered our prayers for Liz. Since Stacy and I see her every day, we can tell these things. I'm not sure one visit in six months will reassure the doctors that she's getting better. I know they will give their best medical opinion and they will do it kindly, but I want to keep trusting in God and not give into the temptation to bottom out based on what the medical world can see. I want to enter their offices with the right attitude and do what's best for LizBeth. We know God has done exactly that for the last nine months! Thank you.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

We will be thinking about you guys (and Liz especially) on Wednesday!
