Saturday, October 4, 2008

Last night was indeed a great night! We went to the park to walk around, collect rocks and walk in the stream. Katelyn and Sarah led the way, while the other three Rosses followed. (Katelyn has begun calling us the "Odd Numbered Family." I told her it was very important for her to leave the word "Numbered" in that name.) Anyway, Liz was sitting straight up in her stroller, with two trunk supports along her side, and loving it! She jabbered almost the entire time. At one point, we were sitting close to the stream watching the girls jump on rocks, when Liz said "Nananananananana." Ha! She did not specify which Nana she was talking about, so she has scored some major points with both of them.

I am usually the Eeyore of our family, seeing the cloud behind every silver lining. When it comes to LizBeth's progress, I tend to be that way too. However, I will have to say that she IS making lots of improvements. She sat up last night (with support) for 40 minutes before getting tired and resting on my arm. She likes talking to us. I've also noticed if things are too noisy or unfamiliar, she still "shuts down." She will go to sleep while in a new or loud situation, and then wake up immediately when she's removed from it. When she comes to visit at school in my class, she is wide awake and curious. When we go to pick up the girls after school and 100 children are out running around and yelling, she goes to sleep until we get back in the van!

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