Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The girls and I just made the best supper ever! In fact, both Katelyn and Sarah told me I should be a cook when I grow up. Katelyn asked what kind of meat we were eating and Sarah responded with this: "When it's alive, we call it pig. When it's dead, we call it pork." Pork chops, mashed potatoes and squash pie. Then we had fruit salad and zucchini bread for dessert. I am so the favorite for a while. Lizzie ate some potatoes and squash pie. She kicked her feet and licked her face after the first bite. She's watching her daddy iron right now.

Lizzie and I had a great day today. She likes to be held, but there comes a point when she is ready to be put down and left alone. She voices that by a loud "Wah." No tears. No sobs. Just "Wah." I'm thinking that translated into grown-up speech means "Now." Sarah and Katelyn helped me today at Wal-Mart and while fixing supper. I am so proud of them. You know they are just regular kids. They fight. They get in trouble at school. They do things that embarrass their mother in public. They also try to lie and disobey. But when I stop and count my blessings concerning my children, I am reminded at how helpful, caring, funny, tender and loving they both are.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

You have 3 awesome girls, Kelly!