Monday, June 9, 2008

We are one tired family! After a full week of Church Camp and a full week of Elizabeth's Camp, we are still fighting to stay awake. Whew! Everyone arrived home safely Friday. They all had a great time at camp. On Saturday, we went to Wichita to meet my parents and reluctantly return Bubba to them. We met at Red Lobster and then went on to the mall for some shopping.

Stacy and LizBeth stayed home. Stacy worked on his sermon and Liz cried for her momma. (Well, maybe not. But I like to pretend she did.)

We stayed home from church Sunday because Lizzie was acting like she might be getting sick (sneezing, coughing, whining), but seems to be fine now. LizBeth is only tube fed at night. She takes two ounces from her bottle every two hours during the day. Whoo-Hoo! She had PT today and did okay when she would wake up. She wasn't too impressed with us this morning. But she did finally ROLL OVER on her side! Yay! Sarah was very proud of her.
Katelyn started Science Camp this week. She had a blast! Nikki will hopefully be in her big girl bed by the end of the week. We are still set to head to the City on Sunday afternoon. Our appointment is at 7:30 am on Monday, June 16th. The big girls are going to their Papa and Nana's house while we are in OKC. They are excited about that. Lots of swimming and playing with their cousins planned.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

LizBeth is so cute in that blue outfit!

Katelyn is my kind of girl...having fun at Science camp. Woo hoo! :)

Wish we'd get to see you next month. Excited about spending time with Katelyn and Sarah though!