Monday, June 2, 2008

Well one room and one closet down. Let's see... six more rooms and five more closets to go! LizBeth is such a great helper. Right now we are taking a snack break. She is "talking" to her toy while trying to eat it. She's also trying so hard to pull herself up off the floor. Arms straight up - Head lifted up - Determined look. Yay LizBeth! Whew, time for a rest I think.

I spoke with her doctor today and he said we are going to give Liz her iron for one more month.

Nikki Ross (as my Dad calls her) is spending a lot more time on her mist collar. Since we've been giving her more time on it, we've not had any other problems with the trach. She has also submitted to the collar:) However, she does push it off to the side sometimes. (She still has a bit of her daddy's stubborn streak!)

We went to both services yesterday. And we were late to both. I'm confident we will get a routine down soon. Liz seems to like church, especially the music.

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