Monday, July 28, 2008

Elizabeth had another hearing test today and she passed! We are very thankful for that. She's had three hearing tests in her six months of life and passed every one. We're going to keep the results from each one so that when she tries to say "I didn't hear you." We can say, "Oh yes you did!"

Stacy's cousin passed away last night. She's been battling a chronic lung condition for some time now. Please pray for the family. Connie was a Christian and there's comfort in knowing she's with her Savior, but it still hurts to lose someone you love. We will be going to Ada sometime this week.

The girls are still in Missouri! We want them to come home... NOW! They are having a great time though. They're getting to go to VBS this week and "the snacks are delicious and the science professor is hilarious." (Sarah talks like my cousin AJ) Katelyn said it was really fun, but she had to go. She would see me August the 2nd she said.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

Sarah DOES sound like me!! Yummy snacks and funny science professors...doesn't get much better than that! :)

So sorry to hear about Stacy's cousin.

Way to go for Liz's good hearing!

We really missed you guys in Branson. Hope we can see you sometime before the kids are all teenagers. :)