Thursday, July 3, 2008

We went to some friends' house after church last night for some Smores. (I like Smores!) Liz was the Bell of the Ball. She thoroughly enjoyed all the attention. But then it was time to eat. She doesn't take eating time lightly. After we got home, we hooked her up to her tube for the night and the fight was on! She refused to go to sleep without the bottle. She's pretty strong for a hypotonic baby! Anyway, we turned off the feeding pump and gave her the bottle. She was asleep in like two minutes after she drained it.

It rained last night. And it wasn't a sissy rain either. A good old-fashioned storm blew up and it rained hard. (Thankfully, it was after I, I mean we, had eaten our Smores.) We have been praying for rain out here. God answered last night.

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