Friday, March 13, 2009

Katelyn is going to write this blog. Well, she is going to tell me what to type!

I hit Elizabeth's nose real gently, and she smiled and giggled. Dad's been real sick. LizBeth likes jingling her jingle bells. Sarah likes taking a lot of naps during the day. Mom always looks beautiful. Dad always looks handsome in front of Mom. Papa and Nana came March 9th and stayed four days. Our cats are scared of Buster. Buster is Nana and Papa's dog. Elizabeth has been awake during the day and is very smiley! School was good. I learned something hard, but I can't remember it now. My Bible story was about David taking food to his brothers. My favorite part about school was helping the teacher to clean up the floor in the afternoon. We are going to do Spring Cleaning this weekend and maybe plant flower seeds. My favorite flowers are roses and buttercups. I have a cough so I went to the doctor and he told me to only eat warm soup. That is all I have to say.

Stacy is not feeling well... again. He has a sore throat and achy body. Katelyn, Sarah and I have coughing fits. Lizzie is fit as a fiddle. Every once in a while she has a sissy cough. I think she's just making fun of us! She has her one year check up and immunizations next week.

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