Sunday, May 11, 2008

We've had two more great days. Elizabeth is taking her bottle about every two hours and drinking 40-60 ccs. At night we go ahead and tube feed her. She is awake so much. I think she's afraid she might miss something! We are still treating the thrush, but it's improving.
Elizabeth and I are going to join the family at church tonight. I thought that would be the best Mother's Day gift. We are having a guest preacher, so the whole family will get to sit together. I am so excited! This will bet the first time Elizabeth and I have been to church since January.

As most of you know, Elizabeth has not had a single apnea since we've been home. She quit having bradys about three weeks ago. And now, she hasn't had a desat in one week. One whole week! God is so good! Right now LizBeth is laying on her pallet in the floor "talking" to her bear. Or maybe she's trying to eat it. Who knows!?

Katelyn, Sarah and Elizabeth bought me two Mother's Day gifts: a dozen colored roses and a floor lamp that glows rainbow colors and plays music. The roses are on the kitchen table and MY lamp is in Katelyn and Sarah's room. The reason for this: I just don't have room in my room, so they will keep it their room for me. They are so kind! Kids are great! God has blessed us tremendously!

Please continue to pray for LizBeth's upper airway to open on its own. And pray for the meeting Monday. I'm pretty sure it's not about the insurance but about another program we were encouraged to apply for. Thank you for all your prayers thus far.
2Co 1:11 He will rescue us because you are helping by praying for us. As a result, many will give thanks to God because so many people's prayers for our safety have been answered.

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