Friday, May 9, 2008

Whoo-Hoo! We got some really good check-ups this week!
Genetics: The doctor told us she had no other tests to run. Elizabeth was obviously improving. The only reason for more tests would be in the event we had other children. We told her that more tests would not be necessary based on that reason! Elizabeth's journey through the NICUs had solidified her place as the baby. She said she would like to see her with more head and trunk control, so to continue with PT. We do not meet with her again for six months.
Surgery: We have been dismissed from the surgeon. He said her g-button site and fundo scar looked great. He asked LizBeth what she was hiding in her cheeks! And asked us what we were doing nutritionally as far as feedings. We explained that she was taking 100 ccs every 3 1/2 - 4 hours; and doing better with her bottle. The doctor told us we could stop tube feedings during the day for a couple of days and see how she did with the bottle only. Leave her night routine the same for now, and just practice during the day.
Neurology: Our most dreaded appt. turned out to be the most encouraging! The doctor told us LizBeth was much better. She had great limb tone and was improving in her trunk. She said her trunk and neck control would just take some time. She told us that there was no reason for her to run other tests either. If Elizabeth had a disorder, it was very slight or she was just out growing something.
This doctor will have the final say on the trach removal. Please pray that LizBeth's upper airway will open. The bronch she had done in March showed it had collapsed, so we are praying for God to open it. This way she can avoid anesthesia b/c they will have to sedate her to blow up her airway and seeing if she can maintain it.
Elizabeth performed all her tricks: trying to turn over, eating her hands, kicking her feet and looking all around. She had a little trouble in the car seat on the way to OKC. Apparently, when the Princess wants out of her car seat, she wants out NOW! We made several stops for her to stretch and look around. She was pretty wiped out on the way home yesterday.
Her Bactrim will be finished tonight. We have started her Niastatin today!

Please pray for a meeting we have on Monday with our local DHS office. They are requesting a face to face interview to discuss Elizabeth's eligibility for Medicaid. I'm not sure why this letter is arriving now. The other two girls are on it and Elizabeth has been since her birth. Anyway, I'm nervous about it, but trying not to be. After all God has done for us, I'm rather disappointed in myself. Whatever happens, He is in control. That has been a lesson learned. But boy do old habits die hard!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I am so glad that Elizabeth is doing better! We will continue to pray for her. By the way, she is so cute!
~ Julie Miller