Thursday, May 1, 2008

It is windy! Not just regular Guymon windy, but hurricane force windy. (without the moisture) Elizabeth is having a good day. She's pretty sleepy, but so is Stacy. Evidently they had constant machine errors until 3:00 am last night.

Stacy, Katelyn and Sarah are trying to tear the living room apart. The sounds of whining and laughing and screaming can only mean one thing... Wrestlemania! Elizabeth and I just try to stay out of it.

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

I see you got a slideshow up...looks great!

I know you emailed me asking about how to do that and I honestly can't remember if I ever wrote you back. I can't find your email in any of my folders and I also can't find a "sent" email to you. I know I meant to write you, but have no idea if I ever did.

I swear I'm not crazy...just sleep deprived. :)

Anyways, sorry if I never wrote back! Glad you got it figured out!!!