Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tomorrow starts a new school/work week. I took a very long nap today for my birthday present. It was nice.

This morning in church, the congregation clapped and yelled when it was time to take up the offering. "The Lord loves a cheerful giver." After the applause ended, LizBeth added her opinion of the whole thing. She wailed and pouted. It was great! Tonight, she was just plain old spoiled. She cried and whined unitl I took her to the nursery to rock her. If I would quit rocking, she would open her eyes and look at me. So I would rock again, and she would doze.
While in the nursery, the girls snuck back there to "find" me. Katelyn played quietly, while Sarah tried head stands on the couch. We have one daughter (Katelyn) that acts like me and one daughter (Sarah) that acts like her daddy. We are anxious to see who LizBeth will act like!

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