Sunday, April 27, 2008

It seems that so many things have happened in the last few days.
I took the big girls to the doctor on Wednesday: Katelyn has an ear infection and Sarah has an upper resp. infection. Thankfully, Elizabeth is still well.

On Thursday, I worked on Kindergarten Graduation stuff at school.

We were supposed to have PT on Friday, I think. She didn't come, so I'm wondering who had the dates mixed up; the PT or me? But, thankfully, LizBeth's personal trainer lives with us. Stacy had her doing squats and head control exercises.
Friday night was also Katelyn's Art Show. Her art teacher really does an excellent job setting up the shows. She picks a theme, decorates and serves homemade appetizers. The children display the art they've made this year and answer questions about it. It is really neat. The show is two hours, so Stacy and I went in shifts. Sarah stayed for the entire time.

Saturday we had "Clean Up the Girls' Room Morning!" They were so excited! And then we had "Pick Up All the Hair Stuff in the Bathroom Afternoon." They really enjoyed that too. But, you can walk in both places now. Mission accomplished.

Today, everyone went to church, and Elizabeth and I kicked back in the recliner for a nap. She is such a cuddle bug! When she woke up, she smiled at me twice! It was so sweet. After her noon feeding, I put her on her pallet in the floor with some toys. She wiggled herself off the pallet, pulled an elephant on her head and slapped a teddy bear. She was making noises (sounds a bit like Darth Vader) and having a good time. She played like that for about 45 minutes.

We had a freeze warning here last night! But it's already warmed back up today. I will be glad when summer gets here... all the time!

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