Friday, April 25, 2008

The last two days have been busy, busy, busy. I think I say that a lot. Tomorrow is looking like the same busy schedule. Elizabeth has REAL PT (I think) at 1:30 pm, I have a meeting at 3:00 and Katelyn has her art show from 6:00-8:30.

Elizabeth is still doing well. Her tummy seems to be hurting her a bit more. And the hiccups are back. They are not always "dangerous", but they are sometimes.

Sarah lost another tooth. She pulled it herself! But she did drop it down the drain in the bathroom sink. Her tears stopped when I assured her that the tooth fairy would still come even without a tooth under her pillow. That's when big sister jumped in to tell her that mom and dad were the tooth fairy and mom keeps all the teeth in her jewelry box. Sarah said it wasn't true, but the tooth fairy forgot, so "she'll" have to leave the dollar tonight.

It was another gorgeous day! Please continue to pray for LizBeth and our family. Thank you.

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