Friday, April 18, 2008

We met with LizBeth's pediatrician today. She had a good check-up. She weighs 13.10# and is 23 1/2" long! That's a gain of 1.6# and 1/4"! Her lungs sounded clear and she had no fever. Our doctor told us we didn't have to come back and see him for a month. (But he said I could call anytime I had questions.) LizBeth's thrush is pretty much gone. We have a few more days of Niastatin left.

Today was gorgeous! We have daylight until after 9:00 pm during the summer. The girls think we are such mean parents for putting them to bed while the sun is still up. Mind you, they go to bed at 9:15.

No more doctor's visits until May 7 and 8th when we go to OKC. Please begin praying for these visits. 1. The two tests (CCHS and Pompe's) will come back negative; 2. Stacy and I will make the right decisions if other tests are to be run; 3. Elizabeth will get her trach out soon.

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