Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wow! So much has happened since I last updated the blog!

First we had Church Camp which was a blast. We have the best bunch of kids at our church. I love going as their sponsor. We had a few children respond to the messages. The Camp Evangelist did a great job. The worship leaders did an awesome job too. Lizzie loved the singing part of the service. After that, she would eat or sleep during the preaching.

We came home for the weekend and basically did laundry:) My family was able to come and spend the weekend with us. Then on Monday Lizzie got her new pink glasses! She has a sort of love-hate relationship with them. They really help her to focus better, but she gets the nose pieces up her nose and the ear pieces on top of her head. Then she gets angry and tries to rip them off.

After getting Lizzie's glasses, I took the big girls to the dentist. Then we headed to OKC to stay the night. Tuesday morning was Lizzie's ERG. The results proved normal, with only a slight retinal dystrophy that should not affect her vision. But we all know Miss Elizabeth and how she works:) Lizzie had trouble coming out from under the anesthetic. Her airway became swollen and irritated. She needed oxygen and suctioning and morphine and steroids and other meds to help her overcome the breathing difficulties. We were transferred via ambulance to Children's PICU for overnight observation. But we all know Miss Elizabeth and how she works:) Lizzie woke up at 8:00 that night as if nothing had ever happened. She was laughing and talking, but we had to stay all night, with the little night owl, b/c she was definitely having severe breathing difficulties earlier. God took awesome care of her and us as well:)

We made it to Ada Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Friday. Lizzie did a lot of eating and sleeping. The girls did a lot of swimming and helping in the garden. Stacy and I just marveled at this fact: God is ALWAYS in control. Tuesday's shenanigans by the Princess did not catch Him off guard. It did not interfere with His day. He did not scramble for peace to pass on, wisdom to give or His presence to be with us. It's in those somewhat catastrophic moments when I can actually "feel" Him. It's not a peace that says, "Oh la-de-da, this is a wonderful thing. Everything is going to work out the way I want it." It's a peace that says, "Oh me - Oh my, this is absolutely awful. Even if it doesn't work out the way I want it, God is with me... and Lizzie"

Now we are home and enjoying VBS. It's a Waterworks theme this year. Lots of kiddos getting wet and learning about Bible stories with water. We have learned about "Moses vs. Pharaoh - the Parting of the Red Sea" and "Jesus Calms the Storm." I love VBS and this year Lizzie is really enjoying it too! Hopefully the next post won't be like 10,000 words:)


mirandarodgers said...

I want to see pictures of lizzie and her cute pink glasses.

~aj~ said...

The longer, the better...keep 'em coming!

I'm reminded more and more that God never promised this life would be easy...only that He would always be faithful. It's so powerful to know that God is with all of you during this journey with Elizabeth and to know that as much as you and Stacy love her...God loves her infinitely more than THAT! Amazing!