Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Kelly says: We had a great Christmas with my family. My brother and sister were able to stay another week with us. Whoo-Hoo! We are anticipating a very Happy New Year, and a very Happy Birthday in January!
Katelyn says: I stuffed Santa's underwear this week. Santa's shoes are black and fat.
Sarah says: Thank you Bubba and Kayla for my present.
LizBeth says: Wah, Wah, Wah.
Kayla says: I hope everybody has a Happy New Year! (Go Sooners!)
Bubba says: I like pie. (Sooners stink!)
We are having a good time enjoying the nice weather out here. This year has flown by. It did not start out the way we had planned, but has definitely come around as a great one. God is so good to our family!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Last week during PT, a new lady came to see the Princess. She adapts toys with electronic buttons to make it easier for the children to play. I asked her what her opinion of Liz was and she said she thought the drive to do things was there, but LizBeth has so many obstacles to overcome to do even simple tasks. She placed this really big, blue button between LizBeth's knees and showed Liz how to put her legs together and turn on the vibrating cushion. The PT showed her once, and Liz remembered what to do. We were all so excited for her! She could turn it on and off. It was pretty cool. Liz gets tired pretty easy, but the only way for her to make improvements is to be pushed a bit. Stacy is better at this than I am. One day, Liz was on her tummy trying to hold her head up. She started fussing and yelling, so Katelyn said "Come on, Lizzie. You can do it. Hold you head up." Sarah responded with "She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to." Little Stacy and Little Kelly!
LizBeth's g-button fell out last Friday. Stacy was able to insert another one without any problems and remain his composure. Yeah right! He did insert another one, but I'm not sure about his composure. He said she was fussing and whining (that's not Liz's typical behavior) so he picked her up to see what was wrong and felt something poke him. When he raised up her shirt, the button fell out. He laid her in the floor, ran to get the back-up button, filled up a syringe with 5ccs sterile water, and readied himself for surgery. When he opened the new button packet, he found a 10cc syringe and shouted at it. He called me to confirm the need for only 5ccs and hung up. He proceeded to put the new button in and then collapsed on the couch. LizBeth took a nap too. There is never a dull moment in this house thanks to LizBeth!
Katelyn and Sarah had their picture made with Santa last night. They stayed all night with some friends and had a Christmas Sleepover. Katelyn sang for the crowd and Sarah had no idea what she wanted for Christmas. But, they had a good time. Katelyn and Sarah are getting the usual 6 and 8 year old girl things. But Liz is Liz so she's getting, a light-up Snowman that she chose herself by reaching for it, a jingle bells door hanger that she once again chose and some pony tail holders to hold in her hands. She has also taken a liking to Stacy's silky beanbag pillow, so I found her a Cars one at Wal-Mart. Stacy can have his back on Christmas day. Christmas will indeed be a blessed one this year.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Our Christmas plans by Katelyn and Sarah:
Wait for Poppy and Nana and Bubba and Kayla to get here. Eat Puppy Chow and enchiladas until we get sick. Open presents after two hours of sleep and then let Nana cook all day. She will make pancakes for breakfast and then all her yummy food. Poppy will help a little bit. We will eat and watch movies. Then we will drive around and look at Christmas lights. Sounds good to me! We are getting excited.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
LizBeth is feeling great. She had PT on Tuesday and did really well. Liz can push with her arms and legs now, so we have to work on pulling. She's not really interested in that yet. She does, however, like to bounce and "fly." She is so much more vocal now. We have a joke with our PT that Stacy works on physical therapy and I work on speech therapy. That is rather fitting, ya know.
Sarah is feeling well too. She went with us to the doctor this morning. Katelyn was nervous about shot #3, and was sitting close to me in the waiting room. Sarah was playing in the toy room. After a few moments of that, Katelyn said in her best mom voice, "Well, I'm going to have to go tell her not to be so loud!" I intervened and prevented a possible catastrophe.
One of my little students said "Thanks Happygiving," when we began to practice our program. So "Thanks Happygiving" to everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Stacy's parents are coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Each year at the school, someone donates turkeys to all the teachers for Thanksgiving. Isn't that great?! So, we are having turkey and pies. The desserts are the most important meal in this family! hehe
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Katleyn stayed home sick today. She and I watched old home movies. I cannot believe how much Katelyn and Sarah have grown! Why, they were no bigger than Liz at one time. hehe
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Katelyn had two teeth pulled and a filling today. Sarah had a filling and two wire spaces inserted between her back molars. Needless to say, I have three whiny girls here today, and I don't blame them.
We are continuing with the Love Dare. It's a lot of fun, when we remember!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Stacy and I have started the Love Dare. We went to see the movie Fireproof (Loved it!) and then purchased the journal that goes along with the one in the movie. Here's a picture of the happiest couple in the world on Day 1 of the Love Dare:
Day 4 -Call your spouse just to check on them during the day. Have no hidden motives or agenda. We were with each other all day long in the City, so we did this in person.
Day 5, Today - Tell your spouse three things, very lovingly, they do that make you uncomfortable or irritated. Needless to say, we haven't done this one yet. Better to wait until after the sermon!
The school prayed for the Veterans and Soldiers on Veterans' Day. Sarah prayed aloud from the 1st grade. I was told she prayed, "And God, thank you for my dad. He was in the Army. I am so glad he did not die. If my dad had died, I would be so sad. It would be terrible to not have a daddy." At home, she prayed very similar, but added, "God - if I didn't have a dad, I might not have had a Mom!"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Our visits in the City were pretty good. Genetics could see lots of improvement. We are scheduled to go back in about a year. The ENT thought she looked great. We have scheduled a Swallow Study for November 11th just to make sure little sister isn't silently aspirating. She's starting to eat more "solid foods" now. Neurology was a bit of a downer. She couldn't see a tremendous amount of improvement, but still doesn't know what could be causing it. LizBeth unwillingly gave a blood sample from her ring finger to check for enzymes in the blood. This test was run to see if more tests needed to be run before next year. We haven't heard anything back at this point. She was so tired. By the end of our visit, she refused to cooperate or smile. She slept until Woodward, then demanded to be fed. She hasn't used the tube in over a week! So far, so good. She sleeps a lot better at night now too. That means Stacy and I do as well!
Katelyn decided she was tired of Sarah today. Sarah decided that Katelyn was the meanest sister in the world. It was a real joy right after school today. Now they are outside playing together as if they are the best of friends. I missed out on this Jekyll and Hyde relationship with my sister. If I had fought with her, it would have been called child abuse. (There's almost 17 years between us.) My brother is 18 years younger than me, and he didn't actually like me until he turned five. Anyway, your family is unique to you. I love my family; the whole bunch!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Each person picked their favorite thing:
Stacy - T-Bone steaks
Katelyn - Hot Chocoalate with mini marshmallows
Saturday, October 25, 2008
We are set to go to the City on Wednesday afternoon of next week. LizBeth's appointments (Neuro, ENT, Genetics) are all scheduled for Thursday. Please pray about these visits: 1. We would have travel mercy. 2. The ENT would recommend the best closing procedure for LizBeth's stoma. 3. I'm not sure how to say this one... Pray that the Neurologist and the Geneticist visits would not be discouraging. We know that LizBeth is not where she should be, but she has improved so much. I know that God has answered our prayers for Liz. Since Stacy and I see her every day, we can tell these things. I'm not sure one visit in six months will reassure the doctors that she's getting better. I know they will give their best medical opinion and they will do it kindly, but I want to keep trusting in God and not give into the temptation to bottom out based on what the medical world can see. I want to enter their offices with the right attitude and do what's best for LizBeth. We know God has done exactly that for the last nine months! Thank you.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
We enjoyed our trip to Ada, Oklahoma. It's always nice to go and visit family. But, Stacy and I always gain weight when we go to visit our parents. They take us out to eat, fix our favorite meals and buy us all the junk we want. It's always nice to come home and feel "skinny" again in about a week.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We were all sort of lazy bums today at the Ross House. It has rained all day long here in the Panhandle. The girls and I went to breakfast with a friend this morning. They all three enjoyed themselves.
The Vision Consultant came on Thursday and once again said Liz could see. She said could see improvement in her too. The first time the VC came, I had to turn LizBeth's head so she could track an object. Of course, she can turn her own head now. She also does better tracking (following an object or face) when she's holding her head up by herself.
Last thing, I overheard a Katelyn and Sarah conversation Friday morning while we were getting ready for school. Sarah did something that prompted Katelyn to say, "I will not help you at recess when I see you crying. You'll probably just be fighting with someone anyways." Sarah's response was about two seconds in coming. "You're... Evil Michelle. That's who you are." (Katelyn's middle name is Michelle.) At that point, the discussion ended with some tattling on Katelyn's part. Sometimes it is so hard to keep a straight face with them!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
While LizBeth is improving, she is also becoming quiet the Social Butterfly... sometimes. Sunday afternoon, she didn't like anyone. Today, she loved everyone. She's pretty fickle.
Katelyn and Sarah are ready to go to Ada next week. They are especially excited because they are getting to miss two days of school. And Nana said we could have a bonfire in the back yard. That's like the greatest thing ever. They get their own sticks and everything!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I am usually the Eeyore of our family, seeing the cloud behind every silver lining. When it comes to LizBeth's progress, I tend to be that way too. However, I will have to say that she IS making lots of improvements. She sat up last night (with support) for 40 minutes before getting tired and resting on my arm. She likes talking to us. I've also noticed if things are too noisy or unfamiliar, she still "shuts down." She will go to sleep while in a new or loud situation, and then wake up immediately when she's removed from it. When she comes to visit at school in my class, she is wide awake and curious. When we go to pick up the girls after school and 100 children are out running around and yelling, she goes to sleep until we get back in the van!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
LizBeth's first time drinking apple juice. "Mom, this is goooood!"
C'mere Mom. I'm gonna get you.
Katelyn and Sarah are ready for school! (Still some talk of homeschooling though.)
Below are some pics taken by Katelyn and Sarah. I'm not sure if they are intended to delight or frighten, so view with care!
We went to pick out LizBeth's stroller today. She cried the entire time. As soon as we left, she stopped. We are home now with Sarah napping, Liz playing with her new toy, Katelyn on her Barbie laptop and me on Stacy's laptop. Stacy is at the gym "getting really big muscles like Hercules." The girls told him that once, and he loved it!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I adapted her high chair so she could sit in it this morning for her bananas. She did very good. She just needs some trunk support added. The high chair is made so that Liz can't rest her head on the back in her "snobby" position. (She holds her head back with her neck extended.) She had to hold it up straight. I think that will help her with her neck strength.
Sarah has a theory on how to make your legs longer - you just run more. Why, when she was little, she had these little bitty short legs. Then she just started running really fast, and they grew. Pretty amazing. Katelyn, however, is a little skeptical. I'm not sure she agrees with all her sister's scientific theories.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We are set to go see the Neurologist and ORL doctor on October 30th. The only check up we have yet to schedule is with Genetics. The PT called Liz a handful today. She's still getting stronger in her neck and likes to see all the action. She's also getting three more teeth at once. Two on the top and one more on the bottom.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The issue I couldn't name for fear of retaliation when she's older, is being taken care of with apple juice:) For the first time, we let her drink it through the bottle. She did great! Stacy took pics. I'll have to add those later. She didn't get strangled at all. In fact, when I would take the bottle out to give her a break, she would stick her tongue out and lift her head toward the bottle for some more!
Katelyn and Sarah are the best big sisters. They take care of Liz and make sure to check on her when playing. Today she stayed down in their room to play. Liz was very interested in the doll house. Kate and Sarah were playing and "shouting" in their Barbie and Pet Shop voices, so Liz shouted as well. It was sweet. I was a bit concerned about bringing this fragile baby home that would take up so much of our time, but the girls treat LizBeth just like any other baby sister. "Oh gross Lizzie. I can smell your dipey." "Aw, Liz, don't slobber on me." And my personal favorite, "Dear God, Please help Liz to stop crying so we can sleep tonight."
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
And finally, while getting ready for school this morning, Sarah did this:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Our appt. to view the adaptive stroller and equipment has been postponed until the 30th. So Liz will have regular PT today. She does pretty good now. No more crying or faking sleep when the PT comes.
Katelyn and Sarah are no longer going to get up for school in the mornings. They will only get up for church on Sunday:) We've not had anymore homeschooling conversations. But they do think it's unfair that I get Tuesday and Thursday off. The week of Fall Break and the State Meeting of FWBs coincide this year. So we all get to go to Ada! Nana and Papa may be just a little excited. I'm sure it's b/c they will get to see Stacy and me. Ha! It doesn't matter if we go to the Ross' or to the McCullough's (my parents), we are only allowed to stay b/c we brought the grand kids! I'm pretty sure this is universal! :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This morning in church, the congregation clapped and yelled when it was time to take up the offering. "The Lord loves a cheerful giver." After the applause ended, LizBeth added her opinion of the whole thing. She wailed and pouted. It was great! Tonight, she was just plain old spoiled. She cried and whined unitl I took her to the nursery to rock her. If I would quit rocking, she would open her eyes and look at me. So I would rock again, and she would doze.
While in the nursery, the girls snuck back there to "find" me. Katelyn played quietly, while Sarah tried head stands on the couch. We have one daughter (Katelyn) that acts like me and one daughter (Sarah) that acts like her daddy. We are anxious to see who LizBeth will act like!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
We are scheduled to go next Tuesday to pick out LizBeth's adaptive stroller. They look a lot like little wheelchairs. This was a hard pill for me to swallow at first. "We are resigning her to a wheelchair at seven months old?" The PT explained that it would be beneficial for Liz, because right now, as weak as her trunk is, she can't sit upright. These adaptive strollers offer a 45 degree angle for Liz to sit at. This way, she can be "vertical" when she's awake instead of lying down all the time. I can see that she's improving, but some days it's not as fast as I want. She is definitely on her own time table.
Teaching 3 year olds is definitely fun! The girls are enjoying school... some days. The other morning, they asked me to just home school them. That way they could sleep in, not have seat work, and not have to play with boys. Once they get to school, Katelyn is just fine. Sarah asks me every time she sees me, "How many more hours?" Depending on my response, she will either jump and down or sigh in exasperation. We are only into our fifth week?
Katelyn has a birthday coming up on Thursday. She is so excited to be 8 years old. We are having her party on Saturday. Sarah is excited for her too. However, Stacy and I are in denial over the whole thing. How can she be 8? Good grief (another Sarah Saying), where did the time go?
Monday, September 1, 2008
We have enjoyed our long weekend. We finally got the yard mowed and the house cleaned. The laundry is even finished. That may sound boring to most folks, but as for us, we are terribly excited. The girls and I have started Scrapbooking. Well, we've sorted pictures, but are well on our way!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Right now she is sort of napping in the floor and trying to keep tabs on her sisters at the same time. And, she laughed out loud again today. This time it was for Stacy.
Katelyn and Sarah are in their third week of school. So far the report has varied from "the worst day ever" to "boring" to "boys are just gross" and Katelyn's pat response of "fine." Teaching three year olds is just as challenging and exciting as I thought it would be. God bless the teachers!
Monday, August 25, 2008
This morning I let the girls sleep in and go to school this afternoon. That makes me the best Mom ever, according to Katelyn. Sarah wants to know why they have to go at all.
Stacy performed a wedding in Ada this weekend. His cousin Shane was married to Camille. It was a beautiful wedding complete with Marines in dress uniforms carrying swords. Katelyn was afraid of the "Army men"(ha ha) and their swords. I told her the swords were fake. They were for decoration only. However, I did not know what happened before the wedding. It seems that Stacy stabbed the best man with one of the fake swords. Turns out, the edges are dull, but the points are sharp. A trip to the ER was avoided that day, and thankfully, the best man was Stacy's cousin. It's always exciting wherever we go.
LizBeth laughed out loud this morning! I went in to look at her, and she laughed at me. It was so precious! Here are some pics of the Ross Girls as they were clowning around this morning.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Stacy and the girls had a Yahtzee! marathon. Katelyn likes to talk smack. Sarah loses interest rather quickly. Katelyn will be trash talking the other players while Sarah is practicing her head stand. Somehow, Sarah won the last game. Let's just say, she's not a gracious winner and Katelyn is a rather poor loser.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Please continue to pray for Liz. She's making noises when she breathes. Her O2 sats are fine. We may just need to give her time to adjust. She doesn't ever seemed panicked or distressed. In fact, she was Miss Smiley tonight. She and I both have Thrush. Isn't that nice? I do have a new level of sympathy for her though. That stuff hurts! She sticks her tongue out when it's time for her medicine. (I do too.)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
LizBeth's Big Day!